
August 2022
sunset corfu
There is something inherently inspiring about sunsets. Maybe it is the glorious burst of colors mixed into a new palette each day. For some, watching the sunset is even more than just an aesthetic experience. It marks the end of yet another day and gives us a sense of closure, literal and figurative. It is...
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corfu town
History of Corfu Town It was bound to be! Corfu’s significant role in Mediterranean history was pre-destined thanks to its strategic position at the mouth of the Adriatic Sea. Whoever controlled Corfu had a good chance of controlling the most important trade and military routes between east and west and north and south. The Greeks...
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corfu easter
Spring holidays in Corfu are special for one more reason rather than the island’s natural beauty and the mild weather. The reason is Easter, Easter in Greece is one of the most important religious events for the Orthodox church but also one of Corfu’s unique cultural elements. Easter in Corfu is known worldwide, not only...
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